Karmageddeon contains violence, gore, death, sexual humor, trauma, suicide, and has STRONG RECURRING THEMES of domestic violence and abuse (that cannot be completely evaded through the content warning system). THIS COMIC IS NOT KID FRIENDLY. Reader discretion is advised.

Welcome to the sleepy town of Ratzville in Southern Ovspace, a town in the region forgotten by the world... even the people in it. You'd think it would be hard to get lost in such a small and desolate town, but everyone there is far, far gone...
Ahead in the distance... you can see it. The light of a "vacancy" sign to a run-down motel. The motel has a foreboding, ominous aura... almost as if it beckons you to stay there, just for a night... or a few...

Or forever.
Karmageddeon is a webcomic created by kneeby, the creator of Sparklecare with contributions by Jakola. Karmageddeon is a mystery exploring the ideas of what is right or wrong and if the ends justify the means. It's a psychological horror webcomic. Similar to Sparklecare, Karmageddeon takes some inspiration from the creator's real life experiences.

The story centers around a lesbian horse-dog named Mallory "Molly" Dust who wanders into this practically deserted town in the region of Ovspace and gets tangled up in something unusual and mysterious happening involving a strange man named Bat. She is accompanied by a transgender lesbian rabbit named Cecilia Aterr and an aromantic lesbian tiger named Ellie Tronix and various other townsfolk who are also wrapped up in this bizarre situation. They're trying to figure something out that none of them fully understand... and you have to wonder if they ever will. The town of Ratzville is also a living fossil from a very different time on Spinch - reading the comic will introduce you to some of Spinch's history and the unique lore of this once-great place that now sits in ruins.