Karmageddeon Official FAQ

Last updated: 0/0/2023


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This page may potentially contain spoilers for new readers in the future (but only for currently public information). However, if you'd like to get some background into the story before reading, feel free to proceed anyways.


What is Karmageddeon?

Karmageddeon, or abbreviated as KG, is a webcomic that takes place on the same planet as Sparklecare.

What year does it take place?

This comic takes place in the equivalent of 2019 in our world - 6019. Sparklecare starts in 6016, so this comic begins after Sparklecare has started.

Will there ever be references to Sparklecare in this comic?

There will never be any references to the events of SC to avoid spoiling what happens. It takes place in a different region of Spinch (Ovspace) than Sparklecare does (which takes place in Mowtha).

What is the update schedule?

Updates are on (day) and (day) unless a specified hiatus is going on.

Will this comic have an ask blog like Sparklecare?

It's not planned currently, but it may be in the future if I get ideas for one!

Lore related

(for information about the planet/universe)

Why is everyone wearing watches?

You will see in due time!

Why is the blood cyan?

The blood being cyan is an aesthetic choice based on a childhood series of mine! It doesn't have any plot significance or anything. The blood is only cyan because it makes the visuals stand out more in an aesthetically appealing way! Blush and insides are also blue in color for the same reasons.

Why are there stains on everyone's clothing?

The stains on the clothes simply represent the town being run-down and unclean.

Does anyone in this comic have plot armor?

The only character I've revealed so far with plot armor is Mimi.

More sections will be added later on.

If you have any questions not on here, feel free to send them to the official Tumblr and they may be added!